Student doing an experiment and looking at the camera

The Sewanhaka Science Showcase took place in both student cafeterias on March 22. It was a great display of the variety of courses, clubs and student contributors showing their love and support of science. Medical Detectives students measured students' blood pressure. Principles of Biomedical Science students had students practice extracting blood from a phlebotomy arm. Forensic Science students had students fingerprint and inflate balloons. Physics students created a human circuit with energy sticks. The Science National Honor Society created an escape where students completed many science tasks, such as making Play Doh, making oobleck, performing chromatography and using invisible ink. They also used Play Doh to make volcanoes that erupted elephant toothpaste. The Science Club had students make slime. The Robotics Club demonstrated the functions of their robot that competed in various competitions. The Step Club displayed and demonstrated the use of drones. Science research students displayed and presented their research projects. The Science Department is grateful for those who supported the Science Showcase. Students had a wonderful, engaging and interactive science experience.

Two people looking at a science experiment lit up purple

Two people doing an experiment while standing at a table

Two students doing an experiement while at a table